Amazing Facts about Fig Crowdfunding image
Fig is a gaming platform that was started in 2015 in San Francisco to help independent game developers and studios to get their video games crowdfunded. Crowdfunding can be defined as pools where resources are collected by those people who want to get a piece of the next big thing. They will volunteer to do the funding from the grassroots level to find all the video game projects that would struggle to get funds. This has been one of the very most successful crowdfunding platforms and the following are some fascinating facts about it.  For more information about this game sites, follow the link.

Fig crowdfunding will provide you with a platform for reward crowdfunding and also equity crowdfunding for the video games that exist there. This will allow you as a game developer to step up your game in terms of developing your video game projects to the next level. Reward crowdfunding works by campaigning for an exchange of a copy of the game. On the other hand equity crowdfunding campaign works by the backers turning to become investors to but the fig game shares band therefore you will be in a position to get some profit from it from the sales of the game. This will help you as a developer to become financially stable even work on better projects.  Visit the official site for more information about video game development.

When investors come in through this platform they are not allowed to buy shares of your company. This has been made possible through their equity campaigns. This is due to the fact that the existing equity crowdfunding system allows only the investors to invest their money on the stock that is created by the fig platform to help with the payments of the dividends based on the sales that have been made and receipts of the game that have to be post released. With this system you will be in a much better position to protect your intellectual property.  For more information about this game sites, follow the link.

There are no platform fees or any extra charges when it comes to figs reward crowdfunding campaigns. This is very beneficial to those people who are just getting started because they might not be in a position to raise any amount of money that is required to be used as fees. The only thing that you will be charged for is the credit card processing fee which is just not going to the company but is used to help with verifying your details and keeping you and your video game safe. This is the reason as to why several people like using this kind of platform.  Read more to our most important info about fig crowdfunding at